Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files sent to your computer or mobile device when you visit websites. Cookies improve our users’ browsing performance and experience by enabling them to store and retrieve information about their browsing habits in order to personalise their browsing according to their preferences.

The cookies that Jorge Miguel da Costa Capela collects do not allow the user to be identified, they only store generic information, namely the form and/or place of access and the way in which he uses the Websites. Cookies only retain information related to your preferences as a user. These are the types of Cookies we use at

i. Session cookies: temporary cookies that remain in the browser’s cookie file until the web page is abandoned, so no record remains on the user’s hard drive. The information collected by these cookies serves to analyse traffic patterns on the site. Session cookies improve the content and also the usability of the website.

ii. Analysis Cookies: These are those that are well handled by us or by third parties, allowing us to quantify the number of users and perform the measurement and statistical analysis of how users use the service offered. We examine your navigation on our site with the aim of improving the supply of products or services that we make available to you.

iii. Advertising cookies: These are the ones that are well handled by us or by third parties, allowing us to manage in a more efficient way the offer of advertising spaces that exist on the site, being able to analyse your browsing habits and show you advertising related to your browsing profile. If you prefer not to allow cookies you have the possibility of disabling them in the internet browser you use, but you should take into account that some web pages may not be displayed correctly.

All browsers allow the user to accept, decline or delete cookies by selecting the advanced browser settings. Cookies can be set in the “options” or “preferences” menu. Please note, however, that the deactivation of cookies may prevent some web services from functioning correctly and may partially or totally affect your browsing on the site.

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